
Service Training Schools are held periodically at the Thermal Solutions Factory in Lancaster, PA. The schools are typically 1-1/2 days in duration and cover all aspects of design, installation, start-up and troubleshooting for all Thermal Solutions Boiler and Water Heater products. There is a nominal cost for the school which includes all training materials, two nights lodging, group dinner and meals. Transportation to and from Lancaster, PA is the responsibility of the attendees. Please contact us if you are interested in attending.

On-site Service Training Schools are also available.  Please see the schedule below to register for your course today!

Two day Boiler Start up and Systems School

May 6th-7th – Starts 9:00 am on first day, Ends 1:00 on second day. Register Here!


Two day Boiler Start up and Systems School

May 8th-9th – Starts 9:00 am on first day, Ends 1:00 on second day. Register Here!


Two day Boiler Start up and Systems School

August 12th-13th – Starts 9:00 am on first day, Ends 1:00 on second day. Register Here!


Two day Boiler Start up and Systems School

August 14th-16th – Starts 9:00 am on first day, Ends 1:00 on second day. Register Here!